“Relaxed is not a feeling I am used to feeling in jail. But it is what I feel every time I step onto a yoga mat. The gifts I have received from the dedication of these teachers is a blessing.”
— Jose C., formerly incarcerated student, Watsonville

What gifts has yoga given you?
We believe that everyone deserves access to the transformative power of yoga, meditation, and healing arts.
As part of our REUNITE WITH WELLNESS campaign, we want to know: how has your yoga or mindfulness practice transformed your life? It could be big or small. It could be physical healing or relational healing. It could be the result of one yoga class or a decade of practice. Your voice matters!
Be a part of our digital mural by sharing how yoga and meditation have impacted your life. As we celebrate what yoga gives us, we can also reflect on the importance of making mindfulness practice accessible to all people.